Kratom Tea Preparation: Dos and Don’ts for Best Results

Kratom tea is a popular method for consuming this herbal supplement, prized for its calming and energizing effects. Proper preparation is key to getting the most out of your kratom experience. Here are some dos and don’ts to ensure the best results of kratom tea:


  • Use High-Quality Kratom: The quality of your kratom tea leaves or powder significantly affects the tea’s potency and flavor. Choose a reputable vendor known for selling fresh, high-quality kratom.
  • Measure Properly: Use an accurate scale to measure your kratom. Start with a lower dose, around 2-3 grams, and adjust as needed. Too much kratom can cause adverse effects like nausea and dizziness.
  • Simmer, Don’t Boil: Boiling kratom can destroy its alkaloids, which are responsible for its effects. Instead, simmer your kratom tea gently. Bring water to a boil, then reduce the heat and let it simmer for 10-15 minutes.
  • Add Citrus: Adding citrus juice, such as lemon or lime, to your tea can help extract the alkaloids more effectively. This enhances the potency of your tea.
  • Strain Well: After simmering, strain your tea through a fine sieve or cheesecloth to remove the plant material. This results in a smoother tea that is more enjoyable to drink.

kratom tea


  • Don’t Boil: As mentioned, boiling kratom can destroy its alkaloids. Keep the heat low and avoid vigorous boiling.
  • Don’t Use Too Much Kratom: Overdosing on kratom can lead to unpleasant side effects. Start with a lower dose and work your way up slowly.
  • Don’t Let It Sit Too Long: Kratom tea is best consumed fresh. Avoid letting it sit for extended periods as it can become bitter and lose potency.
  • Don’t Use Tap Water: Use clean, filtered water to prepare your kratom tea. Tap water can contain chemicals that affect the taste and quality of your tea.